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Associate Prof. Dr. Yonca Toker Gültaş
METU Psychology – VOF Lab Founder
She received her Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology from Georgia Institute of Technology (2010) and METU (2003), respectively, and her B.S. degree in Psychology from METU (2000). She conducts research mainly on workplace mistreatment, workplace sexual harassment, personality and implicit personality assessment, vocational interests, and test development and validation. She is a member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and has published in various SSCI and national journals. She is a frequent presenter at the annual conferences of SIOP, EAWOP, and AERA. |
tel: +90 (312) 210 5967 |
e-mail: |
Graduate Students
Dr. Aysu Çetinbinici
METU I/O Psychology Integrated Ph.D. Program Graduate
Before attending ODTÜ, Aysu received her B.A. in Psychology from İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, then she received her Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She defended her dissertation titled "Moderating Role of the Dark Triad Personality Traits on the Association Between Emotional Labor and Work Outcomes: An Examination Based on Activation/Inhibition Pathways" under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yonca Toker Gültaş. She is currently working as a freelance consultant, and a professional coach. Her work experience mostly focused on employee training and development, though she has diverse research interests like personality traits (especially the dark side of personality), vocational interests, emotional labor, and HR analytics. |
Fuat Çıkan
METU I/O Psychology Integrated Ph.D. Program Student
Before attending ODTÜ, Fuat received his B.S. in Psychology from Ege University. In order to improve vocational interest inventories, he has been conducting studies to understand what level of adaptive performance and individual adaptability skill required by different occupations and work environments within the framework of Holland's occupational personality types. The main purpose of the studies is to determine the work environment characteristics that require adaptive performance and prepare a book chapter that can be a source for developing an occupational interest complexity inventory which can also measure the interest in adaptive performance as a complexity dimension. |
Zeynep Göksu Beşkaya
METU I/O Psychology Integrated Ph.D. Program Student
Zeynep is currently pursuing her PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at METU, focusing her thesis on investigating response distortion in personality measures during the selection process. She earned her B.S. in Psychology from METU in 2018. Currently, she works as a Research Assistant at İzmir University of Economics. Zeynep's research interests include faking in personality measures, personnel selection, job stress, work-family conflict, and recovery experiences. She is also a scholarship recipient in "TÜBİTAK 3005 – Innovative Solutions Research Projects in Social Sciences and Humanities". |
Zeynep Işıl Demircioğlu
METU Social Psychology Ph.D. Program Student
Zeynep Işıl Demircioğlu received her B.S. degree in 2018 from Çankaya University, followed by her M.S. degree in Social and Organizational Psychology in 2020 also from Çankaya University. She is currently working on her Ph.D. thesis which is about antecedents of women's sexual harassment acknowledgment, under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Yonca Toker Gültaş. Her research interests include social media addiction, cyberbullying, workplace bullying, sexual harassment and effects of personality on these variables. |
Nurdan Keleş
METU I/O Psychology Integrated Ph.D. Program Student
Nurdan received her B.S. in Psychology from METU and joined the integrated Ph.D. program following her graduation. Her research interests include but are not limited to gender studies, employee voice behavior, organizational culture and climate. She is currently working on her thesis regarding women employees’ voice behaviors in organizations. The main purpose of her thesis is to understand women’s voice in Turkish organizations, whether they are being heard or listened to. |
Atakan Okat
METU I/O Psychology Integrated Ph.D. Program Student
Before attending METU, Atakan received his B.S. in Psychology from TOBB University of Economics and Technology. He is currently studying towards her Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and also working as a Human Resources Specialist in the PtteM Teknoloji ve Elektronik Hizmetleri A.Ş. (known as PttAVM). He focuses his research on passive-aggressive work behavior (PAWB). Especially, how PAWB occurs in organizations in Turkey and how employees evaluate it through covert, indirect, and passive dimensions of aggression are discussed. The main purpose of the study is to create a Turkish measurement tool for PAWB and develop PAWB-focused training. |
Undergraduate Students
Umutcan Akkaya
METU Psychology Undergraduate Student
Expected Graduation Date: 25.06.2024 Topics of Interest: Job satisfaction, employee motivation, organizational well-being, personality at the workplace, personality in personnel selection. |
Ada Ayhan
METU Psychology Undergraduate Student
Expected Graduation Date: 25.06.2024 Topics of Interest: Organizational well-being, personality testing, personality at work, cross-cultural studies in organizational psychology. |
Dilara Güner
METU Psychology Undergraduate Student
Expected Graduation Date: 25.06.2024 Topics of Interest: Personality testing, personality in work organizations, role of gender in leadership, organizational culture, employee motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. |
Dilek Dursun
METU Psychology Undergraduate Student
Expected Graduation Date: 25.06.2024 Topics of Interest: Personality testing, employee motivation, organizational behavior, employee selection processes, personality at work. |
Emel Ceren Erarslan
METU Psychology Undergraduate Student
Emel Ceren Erarslan received her B.A. in Psychology from METU, in 2024, February. She has different research interests; personality traits, implicit personality assessment, moral and agentic attitudes in the work context, and decision-making in social/work contexts. Emel Ceren is currently taking part in the research project under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Yonca Toker Gültaş, in collaboration with Illinois State University. She is actively involved in preparing a research design, literature reviews, and data collection and statistical analyses. Her responsibilities extended to investigating how personal beliefs and external interventions affect the social desirability of personality assessments through job advertisements. She is also working |
Sıla Sarsın
METU Psychology Undergraduate Student
Expected Graduation Date: 2024-Spring term Topics of Interest: Personality and its effects on self-representation, Personality in work psychology & employee engagement. |