Dr. İpek Mete 

METU I/O Psychology Integrated Ph.D. Program Graduate

İpek Mete received her Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from METU in 2020. Her Ph.D. dissertation was on the effects of teamwork and taskwork focus in team debriefings under the supervision of Prof. Dr. H. Canan Sümer. Her research interests include teamwork, team training, and individual difference predictors of academic achievement. In cooperation with Yonca Toker Gültaş, she studied the relative predictive powers of fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, and grit on the academic success of college and graduate students. 

Mehmet Gültaş

METU I/O Master's Program Graduate

He received his M.Sc. degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from METU in 2014. His thesis, under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Yonca Toker, was on developing a work discipline index based on compound personality scale development guides and item response theory analyses results to predict performance. He also studied the moderating role of situation strength on the personality-performance association. He was a part-time scholarship student in Dr. Toker’s TÜBİTAK 3001 project and particularly worked on the IRT and DIF analyses of the STEM Interest Complexity Scale. His research interests further include predicting fakers on personality assessments based on random forest modeling.

Sinem Fakılar

METU I/O Psychology Master's Program Graduate

Within the scope of “Vocational Counseling and Career Development” course which is given by Dr. Yonca Toker, I worked on a book chapter which aims to understand the importance of data and people complexity for managerial positions. To be more precise, the main purpose was to clarify how O*Net and Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes tackle managerial jobs based on occupational complexity. Accordingly, knowledge/skills/abilities that are characterized with these complex positions was defined and factors which predict being successful at “managing” as well as leadership emergence was emphasized. 

Furkan Tosyalı

METU Social Psychology Ph.D. Program Graduate

Under the supervision of Assist.Prof. Yonca Toker, I have conducted a review study on the following topics within the scope of a book covering vocational interest and organizational behavior: Association between internship experiences and vocational outcomes; the effect of early (primary school and secondary school) intervention programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics on the career choices of female students.